Hi!!! This page is a compilation of resources I used to build this site.

While I did take an actual class on web design, it was definitely not the only thing that helped me learn. Other than learning material, there's also where I gathered all the cool swag here (graphics).

  1. w3schools.com ! W3 is ever beloved online. I find the tutorials easy to digest if you want to learn about/refresh on something specific. Being able to run examples is also very handy.
  2. developer.mozilla.com ! I don't use it as much as W3 but they seem to have a just as big library of content regarding HTML and CSS. Prommy . Personally I find W3 more straightforward, and therefore better for how I learn, but different styles for different people!
  3. w3.org/WAI/ , W3's collection of guides and articles about web accessibility! Personally, I'd start out at the Design and Develop page.