Hi! Welcome to my website. This is a place to gather my thoughts, things related to my interests, etc. Feel free to tab through. An eternal W.I.P. Best viewed in Firefox, and uses no Javascript. Hover over blinkies if they don't move.
(Best seen on Firefox) Est. 7.22.2022
Hi! Welcome to my website. This is a place to gather my thoughts, things related to my interests, etc. Feel free to tab through. An eternal W.I.P. Best viewed in Firefox, and uses no Javascript. Hover over blinkies if they don't move.
I'm your webmaster. I've been working on this site since 2022, but I've been learning HTML since late 2021. I'm a currently student, so updates are come and go.
Personality test results would go here:
helloooo im testing this out. gonna put lotsa stuff here.