The site button of It is two orange tabby kittens sleeping, with one's head rested on the other.

(Best seen on Firefox) Est. 7.22.2022

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A brown tabby kitten eyes closed lying down. The text on top of the image reads-'eepy'

Hi! Welcome to my website. This is a place to gather my thoughts, things related to my interests, etc. Feel free to tab through. An eternal W.I.P. Best viewed in Firefox, and uses no Javascript. Hover over blinkies if they don't move.

A blinkie reading-'beadaholic' on top of a purple swirled background A blinkie reading-'curves' on top of a purple background. On the right, a person with a hand on their hips A blinkie reading-'The queen is dead!!!' on top of a light purple background. On the right, a picture of Queen Elizabeth the Third A blinkie reading-'monkeying around' on top of a light yellow background. On the left, a monkey is swinging around A blinkie reading-'do you have any lasagna?' on top of a swirled dark orange background. On the left, a drawing of garfield A blinkie reading-'Show NO Mercy' on top of a camo green background. On both sides is a skull A blinkie reading-'I think in HTML tags' on top of a black background.
A blinkie reading-'da blinkie?!' on top of a light green background. On the left side is the Voros twins A blinkie reading-'I Love Teddy Bears' on top of a white background. On the both sides are light green drawings of teddy bear heads A blinkie reading-'Say Moo!' on top of a white and black cow patterned background A blinkie reading-'bugg'n' on top of a bright green background. On both sides are 2 beetles
An orange kitten with it's mouth open, with text reading-'eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk' A blinkie reading-'Neocities User'. On the left is the Neocities logo
  • Likes: Cooking, baking, doing nothing
  • Dislikes: Homework, webps

I'm your webmaster. I've been working on this site since 2022, but I've been learning HTML since late 2021. I'm a currently student, so updates are come and go.

Personality test results would go here:

I am cheddar cheese! I	am a Jester! Click here to take the clown quiz! Which YHS Samgladiator character are you?
What Eevee Evolution Are You?
What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?

helloooo im testing this out. gonna put lotsa stuff here.

A button reading 'New' The Very Hungry Caterpillar Akechi Goro from Persona 5 A row of kittens Mallary from Animal Crossing